Northern Weld County Ranch |
Grover, CO | Price : $2,500,000.00 |
This property consists of small rolling hills with a seasonal creek that is a contributor to Crow Creek. It is a great location for a home building site or for a RV parking site with electricity provided by Morgan County Electric. The location of the ranch offers good antelope hunting and a great place for bird watching The property is in the path of wildlife migration. The ranch is located just a few miles west of the historical Pawnee Buttes and the Pawnee National Grassland. The vegetation for grazing is mainly short grass prairie with some introductive grasses, making it ideal for grazing. There are two electric water wells. The improvements are a set of corrals and a large quonset used for winter storm protection. |
- 2320 (+/-) acres deeded - 1760 (+/-) acres enrolled in a Conservation Easement - 815 (+/-) acres enrolled in (CRP) Conservation Reserve Program ($29,138 annual income) |
Click for a map. |
Listing Agent: Jerry Burnett |